Claiming Your Listing

The Rocklin Dentists directory understands the importance of correct dental listings and how they help patients find you. We ask that the dentist in question claim a listing before any updates can be performed to the listing detail. This claiming process helps not only Rocklin Dentists, but you maintain listing accuracy.


We will demonstrate the claiming process in the below steps.


Sign In (or Create) to Rocklin Dentists


Both Rocklin Dentists account holders, and non-account holders need to sign in to get started.



Rocklin Dentists account holders must type their email address and password, then click on sign in.


Non-Rocklin Dentists account holders must click register under the sign-in button to create an account. Next, type your first and last names, followed by a valid email address and unique password. Then, click on register.



Find Your Rocklin Dentists Listing


Unsure if your dental listing is among the hundreds of dentists present in the Rocklin Dentists directory? Find out by typing your name in the search bar on the homepage. You can also type your city to narrow down the search results before clicking search.



If the Rocklin Dentists directory doesn't uncover an existing dental listing for you, then create a new listing.


Choose Your Rocklin Dentists Listing


Rocklin Dentists will reveal search results equivalent to the name and city searched. To view the complete listing, click on your name.



Claim your Rocklin Dentists Listing


After reviewing the complete listing, click on claim listing to proceed. The link is located below the listing address.



Decide on a Rocklin Dentists Marketing Plan


There are three main marketing plans available within the Rocklin Dentists directory. Each plan also provides a monthly vs. discounted annual payment option to fit any budget. Click on select this plan to choose the right plan for your dental practice.



Purchase Your Rocklin Dentists Marketing Plan


The Rocklin Dentists directory uses Stripe to guarantee secure transactions. After you've confirmed your marketing plan details, click on pay with card.



Here you need to type your credit card number and expiration along with a valid email address. Then, click on "pay" to complete the claim listing request.





Administrator verification is the final step to ascertain that only the person concerned can claim the listing. Your claim request is submitted to the Rocklin Dentists administrator. They will then contact you to verify your request.


Admin approval grants you full access to your Rocklin Dentists listing. Now you can change and customize your listing as you wish.


The team at Rocklin Dentists is here for you. We are standing by should you have any questions or comments.